Wednesday 2 April 2014

Week Two: To Hit or be hit ....

Have you ever hit anyone in the face?

I mean really hit someone and meant it?  Intentionally?  I can't imagine anyone that I know would answer yes to that question.  Not even the men.

During training on Sunday morning we ran through the warm up.  Then I put my boxing gloves on for the first time and we did some punching practice.  L told me to try to hit him in the face.  It felt like the most unnatural thing in the world for me to even contemplate.  Every part of my being said 'NO.  I can't!'.  He and I both knew THIS was the point of this whole thing! I couldn't bring myself to try.  We laughed at the absurdity.  At that moment in time I couldn't hurt him even if I landed the punch! 

In 8 1/2 weeks time I am going to be standing in a ring with a women who wants to beat me to a pulp.  I need to get past this fast.  Crap.  I have to hit someone?  I HAVE to hit someone.  The severity of this challenge has hit home.  Again.

Fact is, without doubt, I am the last person on this earth that could hit anyone and yet I am going to have to.  Repeatedly.  And mean it.  That or stand there and get beaten.

Weigh in and health checks tomorrow afternoon.

WTEck am I doing this for?  

Thursday 27 March 2014

Week 1: The Unexpected Things About Boxing

I will post more about the experience so far.  About the private lesson I had Sunday in a converted garage near my flat, the official meeting with the organiser yesterday where reality became a little more real .....

In the meantime I just wanted to update you and tell you the main surprises that are already making things tough for me and it's only the very start of this 10 week process!

Scabby fingers and broken nails 

I have a strict rule never (never ever) to have chipped nail varnish but currently I'm having to wear clear strengthening nail varnish which is disturbing me.  Then after just the short demo with pads Sunday I have sore knuckles on my index finger.  My skin breaks easily and heals very slowly.  I forgot about that.  Without nail varnish and scabby knuckles I have developed a phobia of people seeing my hands.  I hide them on the train when I am reading my Kindle and presenting at work.  Having to point to computer screen on Monday with said scabby finger is causing me such shame.  I feel like a tramp.

Core Strength Exercises...

...are essential for boxing and most definitely my weakest point.  Core exercises are the only real type of exercise I just won't do.  I call my Thursday Legs Bums and Tums class, LB and no T, because when the instructor says the dreaded words 'get your mats' I head for the door.  Not going to be able to do that anymore.  Umph.

Spinning ... good for training.  Tried it in the past.  Don't get on with it.  A bike going nowhere.  Pointless. 


With all this training I am going to have to eat a lot more.  Well, I already have to eat every hour all day every day and god forbid if I am caught out without a snack so this alone is going to be interesting!!!

Aaaaaaaaanyway.  Things are going to have to change around here.     

Thursday 20 March 2014

On Reflection...

Predictably I started thinking about what it is that I have actually signed up for yesterday after a few people started mentioning training.  I mean, I know it's obvious I will have to train but, I hadn't really thought about it.  I train at the gym every week.  I hadn't thought about what it is that I am now going to have to be training for.  There is a big difference between my training and training for something.

Subconsciously I was thinking of running up stairs.  Skipping.  Hitting a punch bag just like my boxercise classes.  In short I was thinking I could just continue with my three days a week at the gym and then turn up on June 12th ready.  Like it was some fitness day.  Then it suddenly dawned on me, I need to train.  For real.  I am actually going to have to train to fight.  A person.  Crap.  In fact I am going to have to learn to fight!!  A person. Crap.

My mind got out of control with thinking last night.  I have a lot of questions.  Do I have to give up alcohol as part of my training??  How often do I have to train?  I need boxing gloves?!  Boxing gloves come in different weights?  Why? Who knew? I didn't I until I jumped out of bed in the dead of night and went online.  Who will answer all these questions?

So next step, I think I need to actually look what I will be up against.  Dare I say 'who' I will be up against (not going to go there yet).  A work colleague watched a clip on YouTube yesterday and helpfully emailed to say 'Woah!  It's actual proper fighting!'  Yeah great.  Thanks for that.  I'm going to have to watch it myself.  Not yet.

Crap.  I'm scared.  Check out what it is all about .... I daren't click on this link yet! The Real Fight Club


Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Things I do!

What do I do?  Sign myself up for things then think after, that's what.  I never learn.  Yesterday I signed up to take part in a white collar boxing match for charity.  A boxing match.  Why?  It's something I have fancied doing for a long time.  Why?  I have no idea.

Having never ever boxed in my life,  on June 12th I will go three rounds with some other nutter.  The other thing I do, the moment I sign up for these things, is tell everyone.  It's a knee jerk reaction, telling everyone.  Kind of like a death wish you could say.

The initial reactions made me panic even more than I already was.  'You?  Boxing?'  like it was the most unlikely thing to ever happen.  The next reactions were of horror.  'Boxing?  You?' Like it was the most barbaric sport to even associate myself with. 

Sitting on the train on the way home I couldn't stop thinking about it.  Fear rising.  Fear that everyone might think I am a thug, that I might get beaten up, that I might just faint when I get in the ring.  Then a text from my sister asking 'Is it an April Fool??' then when I replied that it was for real....nothing.  Finally a text from a supportive friend,  'Awesome' and another 'It's a cool thing to do!' and I felt like maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Now time to sit back and think about what I have signed myself up for!  First training session next Wednesday.  A little excited........