Wednesday 2 April 2014

Week Two: To Hit or be hit ....

Have you ever hit anyone in the face?

I mean really hit someone and meant it?  Intentionally?  I can't imagine anyone that I know would answer yes to that question.  Not even the men.

During training on Sunday morning we ran through the warm up.  Then I put my boxing gloves on for the first time and we did some punching practice.  L told me to try to hit him in the face.  It felt like the most unnatural thing in the world for me to even contemplate.  Every part of my being said 'NO.  I can't!'.  He and I both knew THIS was the point of this whole thing! I couldn't bring myself to try.  We laughed at the absurdity.  At that moment in time I couldn't hurt him even if I landed the punch! 

In 8 1/2 weeks time I am going to be standing in a ring with a women who wants to beat me to a pulp.  I need to get past this fast.  Crap.  I have to hit someone?  I HAVE to hit someone.  The severity of this challenge has hit home.  Again.

Fact is, without doubt, I am the last person on this earth that could hit anyone and yet I am going to have to.  Repeatedly.  And mean it.  That or stand there and get beaten.

Weigh in and health checks tomorrow afternoon.

WTEck am I doing this for?